Cutting Costs Without Losing the Experience!

Planning a wedding or event can quickly become a stressful and expensive endeavor. Our mission is to help you save money (and your sanity) while still providing an excellent wedding bar experience for you and your guests. My name is Jessica White and I have over 12 years of experience in the service industry. My company has organized and bartended countless weddings in the Missoula area over the last several years with great success. We know that when deciding on food, event locations, decorations, dresses, and everything else the bills can start to add up. The need to create a cost-effective way to organize a wedding bar became the inspiration for our company. We have found that by giving our clients the freedom to purchase alcohol from a business of their choosing, we were able to save them thousands of dollars in markups that they may have otherwise been subjected to when purchasing through a venue or a larger catering company. Big Sky Mobile Bartending is also unique in that we provide our clients an in-depth consultation which includes how much alcohol you’ll need, and where to order it - we can even pick it up!

The cherry on top is our hand-selected, TIPS-certified bartenders. We can guarantee exceptional and personalized service throughout the entirety of your event. Please look into Our Services for more details.